Introducing a free Facebook Group where bad-ass women come together to add health and fitness to their lives! Refire Strong by Refire Fitness is a free community that offers realistic fitness solutions that work for real life. It's private and by request only! Launching August 1st.

No crash diets, no quick fixes and no intimidation. We run on good fuel, hard work and positive support.We don't train just to compete or to look pretty or for an event. We train for life!
This group is for those who aim to be strong, healthy and fit. Who strive for lifestyle change, not quick fixes. Who want to improve their body's mobility and show what they are made of. It's about real change for real life - sustainable, doable and maintainable.
Does this sound like you? Is it your time? Are you a member of our tribe?! The group launches on August 1st and is accessible by request only - email me at to be a part of it!