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No Kale.
Some Muscle.
All Sarcasm.
The ramblings of a friendly and sarcastic fitness coach with simple, real life advice!

Lisa Kelly
May 8, 20243 min read
Trainer Confessions: What I Do When I Struggle
As a personal trainer, I often find myself in the unique position of being both a motivator and a student of fitness. Clients look to me...

Lisa Kelly
May 1, 20242 min read
Top 3 Reasons You’re Struggling with Inconsistent Results
Do you ever feel like you're riding a roller coaster when it comes to your fitness progress? One day you're on top of the world, making...

Lisa Kelly
Apr 24, 20243 min read
Visual Progress Tracking for Motivation
We often only think of tracking our fitness journey’s by weighing ourselves, but there are so many more aspects to this journey we can...

Lisa Kelly
Apr 17, 20242 min read
Top 10 Health and Fitness Tips That Go Beyond Motivation
You set all the goals. You’ve made them bite sized, measurable and focused. You did all the things. But now as the motivation inevitably...

Lisa Kelly
Apr 10, 20242 min read
You Got Started, Now What? Stay on Track with Your Motivation
Great, you got started on a fitness journey, now what the actual?! You’ll find that the real challenge lies in sustaining the motivation...

Lisa Kelly
Apr 3, 20243 min read
Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated – Here’s How You Do it!
Not a person who works out? Never started a workout before? Started but fizzled out on fitness in the past? Feel zero motivation to deal...
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